My rehab from rotator cuff surgery goes well. My physical therapist is constantly amazed at my progress. Her comment this past visit was, “You continue to destroy all boundaries.” – meaning that I am progressing beyond what she expects from those rehabbing from my surgery. Had a post-op checkup with my orthopedic surgeon on Thursday and he said pretty much the same thing.
I mowed the lawn Thursday (yes, I have a self-propelled mower). Did my PT exercises afterwards and my feet hurt worse than my shoulder after cooling down in the pool and icing the shoulder. Hate not being 100% but it gets better every day. Took the boat out yesterday down to downtown Fort Myers. It needed the exercise. Ditto for the Miata convertible, which I drove the other day for the first time in eight weeks.

In case you wondered, Tropical Storm Elsa was no big deal. We got rain. No wind, No storm surge. We did get got storm-prepared, and that’s a good thing. Now we have propane, gasoline reserves, generator backup, and supplies. We’re ready if something actually happens. But we seem to be in a good location for tropical weather. One of my neighbors, who has been here 30 years, commented that Irma was the worst he’d ever seen … and he lost power for about an hour.
Have been catching up on a lot of family genealogy, digitizing photos and documents. I also prepared dozens of Isaac motet editions for a recording session by Markus Utz and his Ensemble Cantissimo for an upcoming CD release for which I have to write the program notes. Hmm, better get started on that.
I go back to work after August 8th with no restrictions from the doctor. Looking forward to it, actually. Bored. As my shoulder has gotten more cooperative, I have slowly begun to catch up on all the household chores that fell by the wayside. I still have to hire out the hedge trimming and major lanai cleaning such as screen enclosures and fans.
Michelle just got promoted to a leadership position at the Florida Civil Commitment Center. She is now in charge of 7-9 other clinicians and is making the switch from being “one of the team” to being the leader of the team. Proud of her, but it will be some time before she gets a handle on balancing the work load and expectations and her own personal space.
I discovered that many of you have been sending emails to my email at this website. No problem, except that I thought I had set up a forwarding mechanism so all my email came to the same place. Nope. So, I apologize for not responding to many of you for months because I did not see the emails. Mea maxima culpa…..
It appears that Florida is now the USA home of the Covid-Delta infection. Yes, I’m wearing a mask inside public places even though I’m fully vaccinated. Hope you all stay healthy. I fear we’re about to see a resurgence in this country, thanks to those who for political reasons have foregone taking precautions. Idiots. Smallpox and polio would still be here if this mentality had held sway in the twentieth century.
Best wishes from southwest Florida. We still love being here.
2 thoughts on “Final Lap”
Good news
Glad to hear recovery is winding up and that your poor boat and Miata got some exercise too! I’m sure they were missing you as much as you were missing them. 😛 Pass on my congrats to Michelle! She’s going to be great in a leadership position, and she definitely deserves it with how hard she works.
Stay safe with the Delta variant. I’m getting frustrated with it too. I _just_ got to fully vaccinated status (laziness on my part to wait even _this_ long), and now it’s looking like there’s likely going to be another lockdown or set of restrictions to keep people safe…
Anyways, always good to hear from you and happy to hear you’re all still doing well down in Florida!