Musikhaus began as a private teaching studio in Rapid City, South Dakota. I was joined by my wife Michelle in 2000. She eventually became the primary instructor for the studio and I began to focus on other professional endeavors such as ChoralNet, Dakota Voices, and transcribing, editing, and arranging music for ensembles in the USA and abroad.

When Michelle and I relocated to Fort Myers, Florida in 2018, Musikhaus ended as a studio. I am now retired from university and church choral activity and Michelle is a mental health counselor. Having been encouraged by many to make our music available to others, I have created this website to disseminate unpublished manuscripts of various types of music.

I am indebted to my friend David Topping who, again after 25 years, has assisted me in creating a website. If you have need of any website assistance, I urge you to follow his link.

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It’s been five months since my last post. Michelle and I have spent the intervening time – in addition to the seemingly endless task of putting our property back together – in a serious evaluation of our priorities and life choices. Several factors have been at the forefront of these deliberations:

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Two steps forward, one step back

Happy New Year! And hoping that that this year will be MUCH better than 2022. So far, it has been two steps forward, one step back.

Our journey to normalcy continues. At this writing, new countertops are installed and we have sinks, appliances, and laundry facilities again. Imagine that – the luxury of sleeping, cooking, and doing laundry at home!

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