Happy 2025!!!
It’s time for another report from the Feiszlis in Florida. My last post was in June – so long ago that I had to go back and read what was written.
So, this was written in June:
Musikhaus began as a private teaching studio in Rapid City, South Dakota. I was joined by my wife Michelle in 2000. She eventually became the primary instructor for the studio and I began to focus on other professional endeavors such as ChoralNet, Dakota Voices, and transcribing, editing, and arranging music for ensembles in the USA and abroad.
When Michelle and I relocated to Fort Myers, Florida in 2018, Musikhaus ended as a studio. I am now retired from university and church choral activity and Michelle is a mental health counselor. Having been encouraged by many to make our music available to others, I have created this website to disseminate unpublished manuscripts of various types of music.
I am indebted to my friend David Topping who, again after 25 years, has assisted me in creating a website. If you have need of any website assistance, I urge you to follow his link.
It’s time for another report from the Feiszlis in Florida. My last post was in June – so long ago that I had to go back and read what was written.
So, this was written in June:
It’s been almost six months since my last post, Auld Lang Syne.